mark out

英 [mɑːk aʊt] 美 [mɑːrk aʊt]

标出; 给…划界; 使与众不同


  1. PHRASAL VERB 划界;画线分出
    To mark out an area or shape means to show where it begins and ends.
    1. When planting seedlings I prefer to mark out the rows in advance.
  2. PHRASAL VERB 使具有…特色;使…与众不同
    If a particular quality or feature marks someone or something out, it makes them obviously different from other people or things.
    1. There were several things about that evening that marked it out as very unusual...
    2. It does not appear to possess any of the obvious signs that would mark it out as a restaurant...
    3. Her independence of spirit marked her out from her male fellow officers.


  1. When planting seedlings I prefer to mark out the rows in advance.
  2. There were several things about that evening that marked it out as very unusual
  3. It does not appear to possess any of the obvious signs that would mark it out as a restaurant
  4. Her independence of spirit marked her out from her male fellow officers.
  5. Mark out his arms and his floppy ears.
  6. Originality, perhaps eccentricity, and a willingness to swim against the tide mark out the business-builder.
  7. Inspection& testing, clearly mark out points with serial numbers.
  8. Carry out precise setting out before laying, mark out standard line, implement trial laying, determine the dimension of waterproof board, and then try to minimize joints.
  9. On my part, I imitated the big girls and made my mother cut out some pieces of cotton cloth for a tobacco pouch and even made her mark out a flowery pattern on it.
  10. Uchida wants to mass produce the robot in the future and "leave my mark out there," which means one day you too can have a ramen robot.
  11. Only adult male musk deer have musk glands. It is thought that they use their strong-smelling musk secretion to mark out territories.
  12. Song production is extremely important in attracting a mate or to mark out a territory.
  13. There are two tests to mark out the genuinely generous gift.
  14. Mark out your mistakes, and find out what causes you to make these mistakes.
  15. The mark in and mark out times specify the portion of the clips that you want to encode.
  16. In case of cash payment, the applicant must sign and mark out the payment date on the payment applications.
  17. Had better prepare an electronics map, and mostly mark out each small rea basic overlay scope.
  18. Is that dirty mark out of the tablecloth yet?
  19. The soybean genome project is already making its mark out in the field.
  20. Will the special washing powder take this nasty mark out of the tablecloth?
  21. Property ( copy with official seal); a plan and mark out the rental offices which are located.
  22. Mark out an item in an account
  23. Mark out the whole data processing course.
  24. County-level urbanization is a new question for discussion, its main task is that county should plan and mark out its own development goal in order to make population and industry congregated and achieve sustainable development based on its own advantage.
  25. At last, combining the development trend of Pixian's road passenger transport, this paper applies above theory to mark out Pixian's road passenger transport hub, optimize and evaluate layout, validate rationality of above layout.
  26. "Prosperous individual" and overall development of human beings mark out different stages of human growth 'The concept of "Prosperous individual" may shed light on theoretical research in anthropology with significance in offering guidance in reality of life.
  27. This paper predicts the harbour throughput of Qingdao in 2010 and 2020; analyzes the relation between the existing handling capacity and predicted throughput as well as the necessity to mark out the reserved harbour zones along Qingdao coast.
  28. This theory can help researcher mark out the right scope of the law of diminishing marginal utility and the point of external economies that is punished or not.
  29. By analyze the function of the system, Mark out the module and design some modules such as sensor demarcate, wave control module, data acquisition, data manage and long-distance wach modules, also integrate the whole software system.
  30. Five years 'developing plan of audit working from 2003 to 2007 was produced by National Audit Office, which aims to establish socialism public finance, and mark out finance audit planning.



  1. set boundaries to and delimit
    1. mark out the territory

    Synonym:    mark off